iPhone 5 with pico projector and over-the-air TV?

Rumors begin to circulate that indicates the fact that functions such as: live over-the-air digital TV or pico projectors could be part of the functions of the future smartphones that would be launched in 2011. An American analyst makes a tour of the countries where most smartphones are produced available on the market and in meetings held with representatives of some suppliers of components for mobile terminals, he found out that the mini pico projectors and the components that allow watching LIVE digital TV could be part of the next generation of smartphones, including the iPhone 5.

Analyst Brian White with Ticonderoga Securities is touring Taipei, Taiwan, and China with his team this week. During meetings in Taipei, he said he has heard from suppliers that mobile digital TV and miniature embedded pico projectors are poised to become major selling features in future smartphones.

Although it is not clearly said that Apple will implement these technologies in the next generation of smartphones, it is still considered that the iPhone 5 could revolutionize the world of mobile terminals. My opinion is that Apple will not implement these technologies in the near future and if we will see something like this in the iPhone 5 then it will definitely be about only one technology because Apple has the habit of implementing the functions in a row, year after year to - and increase sales.

Watching local TV stations on a smartphone could be an attractive option for some consumers," White wrote in a note to investors. "Additionally, an embedded pico projector allows users to project a slide presentation or video on a wall or other surface in large size, which makes sense for the iPhone 5 in our view, as Apple seeks to expand the features in the next-generation iPhone .