Quirky Digits: the accessories that allow you to use any glove with an iDevice

Quirky Digits are accessories that allow users to make any glove iDevice friendly. These little pawns can be used to facilitate the transfer of electrical impulses through the material of the gloves or through any kind of material that would not normally allow interaction with the iDevice's screen. Quirky Digits are made of a conductive silicone that, together with a pin, will help you use your terminal regardless of the material of the gloves on your hands.

Here is a short explanation:

  • Made of conductive silicone, with a metal pin on the back for attaching to your glove.
  • Easy to use: Place the back side of the digit (with post) inside the fingertip of the glove and push through, Twist the other side of the digit onto the post, Attach digits to as many fingers on the glove(s) as desired .
  • Color: black.

Quirky Digits are available for $13.99 and you can purchase them from here.