iOS is the most used operating system in Europe for surfing the Internet

The owners of the StatCounter website made a small graph in which is the most used operating systems for internet browsing at European level. The site monitors approximately 3 million web pages in Europe and as you can see iOS is by far the most popular operating system for surfing the web. iDevices have recorded very good sales in Europe and the statistics presented by StatCounter reinforce this information. Of course, the graph presented does not cover all the websites on the continent, but from 3 million monitored web pages we can get a pretty good idea about the preferences of Europeans when it comes to surfing the web using mobile terminals.

The data are very interesting, if they are really real, especially since Android has registered considerable growth recently and has surpassed iOS in certain areas on the American market. Personally, I remain reserved about them, at least until there is at least one more study that confirms the above trend.