Rumor: Microsoft would have donated a significant amount of money to geohot

Last weekend geohot opened a donation session in an attempt to collect money to pay the lawyers who represent him in the lawsuit filed by the Sony company due to the publication of a jailbreak solution for the Playstation 3. Only 2 days after the opening of this donation session , geohot closed it claiming that it had collected enough money to cover the expenses of the lawyers for a good period of time. I don't know how valid the information is, though everythinghq published an article in which he claims that Microsoft would have donated, through an intermediary of course, an important sum of money to geohot.

The information comes from a source close to the matter who must remain anonymous that in an attempt to help George win his case, and thus making it legal to hack the PlayStation 3, the company anonymously donated a large lump of cash so he could cover his court fees; remember: only 2 days had passed after Hotz requested the money and then received all of the money.

To be honest, I find it hard to believe that Microsoft could have donated that money, but on the other hand geohot closed the donation session extremely quickly.