Multitasking Disabler disables multitasking for iPhone 4

Multitasking Disabler is a new tweak available in Cydia specially made for iPhone 4, iPod Touch 4G and iOS 4. There are people dissatisfied with the multitasking implemented by Apple in iOS 4 and this tweak comes to solve the problem by completely disabling multitasking . Unfortunately, the deactivation is done through Winterboard, an application that consumes quite a lot of resources, requires the installation of mobilesubstrate and makes it difficult to use the terminal. However, if you are willing to trade one bad for another then you can install the multitasking disabler together with Winterboard and disable multitasking from there.

Disabling multitasking leads to the loss of the possibility to use the fast app switcher, so any closed application will remain so. Multitasking Disabler is available for free in Cydia. The tweak does not work with devices other than iPhone 4 and iPod Touch 4G.