List of resellers of Apple products in Romania

As you already know in Romania, Apple does not have physical stores and probably does not intend to build any in the near future. Many of you confuse the stores that sell Apple products with stores of the Apple company and it is wrong because, I repeat, Apple does NOT own stores in Romania! Leaving aside the Apple stores, you know that there are resellers authorized by Apple that sell the company's products in Romania, but you may not know how many there are or who they are. Through this article, I intend to collect a list that includes all resellers of Apple products in Romania. Of course, I don't know all of them, but I will list below the websites of those I know, and if you know others, please leave their website in a comment.

We are talking here about stores that have a partnership with Apple, not stores that sell Apple products, but in reality they have not concluded any agreement with the US company. On the Romanian Apple website, on the page where the companies from which we can purchase Apple products are specified, only the distributor Apcom is listed, but it does not specify on its own website the names of the Romanian resellers with which it collaborates. Under these conditions, the list below will start with Apcom, will be completed with the names of the resellers that I know and will continue with other resellers that you know and whose name please leave it in a comment. Unfortunately, Apcom did not respond to my email in which I asked them to provide me with information about the authorized resellers with whom they collaborate.