iPad 2 and my big problem with backlight bleeding

Although when I received the tablet I specifically checked to see if it had backlight bleeding and I didn't notice anything, on Saturday night when I was watching a movie I reset the tablet and while it was starting I noticed the magnificent escapes of light that you see at the top . Unfortunately, I have problems like this all over the top and sides and there is no solution to solve them except to send the tablet for warranty and wait for a new one to arrive. Of course, I won't do something like that now because I don't know if Apple has solved the problems with the backlight bleeding on the tablets sold at the moment and there is no point in sending it for warranty if I don't know that I will solve the problem.

On the other hand, I don't even know if Noumax or iStyle would change the tablet for problems like this, I know that they change in Apple stores, but we still live in Romania. The good part is that the spots are not so intense unless I set the brightness to maximum and open a film that does not completely cover the screen, otherwise they are invisible in everyday use of the tablet. They are not disturbing, but when you have a "dwarf on the brain" it is hard to get rid of it.

UPDATED: Noumax confirmed to me that the tablet is changed if it has the same problems in their service.