Unlock for iPhone 4 by rewriting the SIM card

The information below is "fresh" so for now there is no 100% sure confirmation that the method works. Basically, one website of some sellers of accessories for iDevices claims to have discovered a method to decode iPhone 4 terminals by simply rewriting a SIM card. They claim that this method can be used to unlock basebands 02.10.04, 03.10.01 and 04.10.01. The method sounds something like this: your card information is decrypted and extracted using a SIM card reader, more precisely the ICCID, IMSI and authentication key codes are obtained. After extracting this data, the information on your card is rewritten using a special software that has the source code used in Gevey 3G SIM cards. After rewriting, your card will work like the Gevey 3G SIM, except that you will not need to add another piece of plastic to the phone in addition to your card.

This method turns a normal card into a Gevey 3G SIM card, which in order to unlock it needs a call to the 112 service. The good part is that using the equipment offered by these Chinese you can rewrite as many cards as you want, but the decoding is only done on a the only card. If you remove the card from the phone, the terminal will code again until you insert another one that has been rewritten according to the principle above. The information is currently unconfirmed, but in theory it should work without the slightest problem. The equipment needed to decode this type of card costs $88 and can be pre-ordered from here. I will come back with other articles on this subject if the information is confirmed.

Thanks to you.