Video: ScreenSaver allows you to set a screensaver on your iPhone

ScreenSaver is a new application available in Cydia that allows us to set a "screensaver" for our terminal. The application developer calls this function "demo mode" because it allows playing a video clip when our terminal is blocked. The application comes with a pre-installed video clip that can be set to run when we lock the terminal and the screen should be closed. The big problem is that running this video clip affects battery life and the developer doesn't even recommend running the screensaver permanently.

The application is available for free in Cydia, but use it sparingly because you may find yourself running out of battery before you know it.

Screensaver is a toy that will enable demo mode on the iPhone. What demo mode does it play a video when your device auto locks or resprings.

You should not leave the video running all the time as it could affect the length of your battery charge. Play around show your mates.
