Video: Counterfeit tablets "invade" Romania. Over 60.000 tablets available in the country


George Buhnici, the man with the technology from ProTv, made a reportaj interesting about the counterfeit tablets available on the market at the moment. I like that he presented a hybrid tablet, i.e. a product that looked like a Samsung Galaxy Tab (probably) but ran some kind of iOS, a cheap but extremely bad product. I'm sure you've seen videos on the internet with such tablets that look good until you get your hands on them and navigate through the menu. In the hypermarkets in Romania there are several counterfeit tablet models, iRobot being an interesting example, so be very careful what you buy there if you don't have money for an iPad tablet, for example.

Another interesting remark has to do with the tablets "from Romanians' pockets", more precisely in Romania there are around 60.000 tablets. The figure seems high to me, very high, considering that here iPad tablets were sold the best, but 60.000 is a large number even if we take into account the tablets bought from abroad. I don't know where the people from ProTv got the numbers, but it seems like it's a little too much for our country.