Amazon will launch 2 tablets of its own in 2011 with dual and quad core processors

The tablet market has become so attractive thanks to the Apple company that now many companies are thinking of launch such products. The most recent example is which will produce and launch 2 tablets this year: a dual core known as Coyote and a quad core known as Hollywood. We are talking about 2 low/high end tablets through the lens of the hardware included in them but also through the lens of the screen size that Amazon will implement. Of course, Android OS will be the system preferred by the giant online retailer and they will probably make a wrong choice that will cost them a lot of money.

The dual core version will likely have the Nvidia Tegra 2 chip, but the quad core version will the Kal El processor of Nvidia which brings a 500% increase in performance compared to dual core processors. To be honest, it seems premature to me to design a quad core tablet, considering that this year the first dual cores just came out, but please, Amazon wants the most powerful tablet. Unfortunately for them, the title of the most powerful tablet will not bring customers to the door.