Video: Nokia N9 teaser, the company does not learn from mistakes


Yesterday, one appeared on the Internet teaser for the possible future high-end smartphone from Nokia, the N9 terminal. As you can see, we are talking about a phone with a specific Nokia design but also with a slide-out keyboard, very unpopular among smartphone owners. The terminal will have a 12 megapixel camera, it will run the MeeGo operating system which has a very interesting display and that's about it because other technical details are not known. I can only be disappointed by the choice of those from Nokia who will launch a new smartphone that will not "break the market", will not stand out, will be thick and heavy due to the built-in slide-out keyboard.

I hope that the Windows Phone 7 terminals that Nokia will produce will be thought of differently because in recent years Nokia has lost a lot of ground to its competitors.