Windows is losing part of its market share in favor of iOS, Mac OS X and Android

Microsoft has so far sold no less than 400 million licenses for the Windows 7 operating system, an absolutely impressive sales figure considering the total number of PCs available worldwide. Although Microsoft is doing very well from the point of view of sales, the company lost a little over 3% of its market share last year. Of these 3%, most went to the iOS operating system, which doubled its market share compared to last year, and the rest were divided between Mac OS X, Java, Linux and Android OS.

Mac OS X had an increase of only 0.3% while Android is mentioned for the first time in the top operating systems with a market share of 0.72%, almost 4 times lower than the iOS operating system. The growth recorded by iOS is mainly due to iDevices that sold extremely well in the last year, but also to Macs that started to come to the attention of more and more people. Windows remains with over 88% of the market share, but probably in the coming years this value will be constantly reduced, as it happened in the case of Nokia, but everything depends on how the technologies will evolve on the market.