Jailbreakme.com marked as unsafe website

Only a week has passed since the launch of jailbreakme.com 3.0 and the site has already been marked as unsafe for users. A person encountered the above message when trying to access jailbreakme.com from Internet Explorer, but for now it is an isolated case, so you don't have to worry. If enough complaints are entered, the site could be blocked, but only for desktop browser users, because in Safari for iOS the chances of this happening are very small.

On the other hand, if the antivirus programs see jailbreakme.com as a dangerous website, they may not let you access it, and in the case of a shared internet connection from the computer to the iDevice, you will not be able to access the website. I for one find it hard to understand why some would want to block this website since the previous versions were not blocked but anything is possible.