Infographic: The companies involved in patent processes and the relationships between them

    The year 2011 is undoubtedly "the year of patent infringement lawsuits" and the image above shows as well as possible all the companies involved in the lawsuits as well as the relationships between them. Without too much analysis we notice that Apple has the most processes in which it is either sued or has sued and is being sued by other companies. In the case of those from Apple, we are talking about no less than 5 different processes with some of the largest manufacturers of mobile terminals, cameras, etc., in the world.

     Unfortunately, this "show" of strength by the people from Apple brought the company from Cupertino only the antipathy of some and nothing more. Sony acted wrongly with geohot when they called it in the American courts and the actions of the people from Apple could be seen with the same eyes and the company could suffer in the long run. In conclusion, Apple is the most active "player on the market" in the lawsuits involving the infringement of some inventions, and for now the company has not obtained anything of what it set out to do when it started the lawsuits.