iPhone 4S - here is the production price of the new terminal

    After the launch of each Apple product, estimates are naturally made regarding the possible price of the internal components of the new device. Now it's the terminal's turn iPhone 4S whose internal components it would cost no less than $203 if we are talking about the 32GB version. The price is an estimate and does not include assembly, testing, etc., but only the cumulative price of each component available in the new terminal. Among the components, the most expensive is the flash memory which costs $38, the second place is the screen which costs $2 and the last place is the A31 chip which costs $5.

     It is not yet known how much the 16/64 GB versions would cost, but in stores the prices differ by 100$/€ depending on the chosen model, but the flash memories implemented in the terminals are much cheaper. The iPhone 4 8GB terminal has cheaper components that cost only $156 and considering that the device is sold at double or even triple the price in some countries, Apple makes a nice profit. Of course, to these amounts are added others related to production, logistics, research, promotion, etc., and in the end the pure profit of the Apple company is not as big as it seems at first glance.