redd00r brings iOS 5 to iPhone 3G and iPod Touch 2G

  iOS 4.2.1 is the last version of iOS available for iPhone 3G and iPod Touch 2G, Apple taking the decision to no longer offer iOS 4.3 for those terminals because they had difficulties in running the operating system without problems. iOS 5 is not available for them, but for those who still want to have the look and functions of this operating system on iPhone 3G and iPod Touch 2G, there is a project called redd00r which will bring custom ipsws specially made to look like iOS 5. These custom ipsws are actually modified versions of iOS 4.2.1 but users should theoretically feel that they have iOS 5 installed on their terminals.

   The project was initiated by those from whited00r who until now brought iOS 4 to iPhone 2G and iPod Touch 1G. The project is currently under development and in the coming weeks/months the first custom ipsws for iPhone 3G and iPod Touch 2G should appear. When these ipsws are released, I will let you know and explain the process by which you can install them.