40% of the pictures uploaded on Twitter come from the iPhone

In the new iOS 5, Apple implemented the possibility to log in to the famous Twitter social network and to share pictures or links without installing any 3rd party application from the App Store. From the release of iOS 5 until now, the number of pictures uploaded to Twitter grew exponentially and more than 40% of all pictures uploaded on Twitter come from iPhone terminals. The information was obtained by analyzing 24 million photos published on Twitter in the penultimate week of October and iOS is by far the favorite platform of users.

The Twitter application from the App Store is the most used for uploading photos, but the Camera or Photos menus of iOS 5 take second place. It seems that the owners of Android or BlackBerry terminals are not in a hurry to share pictures on the famous social network and the integration of Twitter in iOS 5 contributed a lot to the increase in the popularity of the platform.