Video: Ask Ziggy – a Siri for Windows Phone 7


   Although most predicted that Siri would be a resounding failure, here is the personal assistant from Apple it generated "hysteria" in the technological field. The technology implemented in Siri became "cool" after Apple introduced it in an iPhone and now more and more manufacturers and application developers are trying to copy it. Ask Ziggy is the latest attempt to bring Siri to the Windows Phone operating system and in the video clip above we have a demonstration of how it works.

   There don't seem to be any big differences between Siri and Ziggy, if we get over the fact that Ziggy isn't able to follow a conversation, but the beginning is good. 2012 will bring a real "revolution" in terms of voice command recognition systems and we have to thank those from Apple for transforming an apparently trivial and useless technology into a "cool" one.