iPad 3 would be presented on March 7

  Last week the people from AllThingsDigital they informed us that the iPad 3 tablet will be presented in the first full week of March at the Yerba Buena Center in San Francisco, Apple's favorite location. In the location's calendar, there was only one free date on the first Wednesday (the day on which the iPad/iPad 2 tablets were traditionally presented) of March, and we are talking about the 7th. Both those from iMore as well as those from The Loop they confirmed that Apple will hold the iPad 3 presentation conference on that date, a logical thing, considering that it was the only one available.

According to sources who have been reliable in the past, Apple currently plans to hold their iPad 3 announcement on Wednesday, March 7, 2012. Along with the 2048×1536 Retina display, the iPad 3 will feature a quad-core Apple A6 system- on-a-chip, and possibly 4G LTE networking. The March 7 date fits with what AllThingsD reported last week, about the next iPad event being scheduled for the first week of March, and Wednesday is a traditional day for Apple to hold these types of events.

  If the information is really 100% accurate, they should find out during the next week when Apple should send the official invitations for the journalists who would be present at the event. Normally, these invitations are sent two weeks before the event, so next Wednesday we should know for sure what Apple's plans are.