iOS \'86 – an interesting vintage theme for your iPhone

  I told you last week that a concept of a theme very interesting was presented by a graphic designer and that a lot of people were interested in him. The concept presents the way iOS applications would have looked if they had been developed together with the first version of Mac OS and in the image above you have a demonstration of this. Because the idea was so well received, a Cydia theme developer thought I'd give everyone the opportunity to install a theme with the above features and as of last night it's available in a Cydia repo.

  Adding the repo: and looking for the iOS 86 theme you will be able to install a theme that will transform your iOS into the one in the image above. The only problem is that you will have to use Winterboard to use the theme, so you will have to give up some autonomy, but at least you will have an iDevice with an interesting appearance. The theme is made for iPhone/iPod Touch only.

Thanks to A.