iPhone vs Samsung – the war of advertising spots


  For several months now, Samsung has been putting its employees to work and designing advertising spots like the one above with the idea of ​​attracting iPhone terminal owners to its side. Samsung used this kind of promotion to demonstrate, in a not quite fair and decent way, that all those who stand in line to buy an iPhone are wrong. Samsung is now using the Galaxy Note to demonstrate that the iPhone is a small smartphone, boring and lacking in options, and its terminal offers users the freedom they need and the necessary applications to generate "rich" multimedia content.

  Although in the US this kind of advertising is not exactly new and users are used to it, does the strategy of Samsung work? Some studies done by BrandIndex looks like no, the efforts of those from Samsung do not generate that much buzz among consumers, especially since the iPhone 4S is available on the market. I think that Samsung is looking at the situation wrongly and should not make fun of the users, as it does in every advertising spot, but should attack Apple or the iPhone. I don't know how many Americans would choose a Samsung after seeing on TV that that company is making fun of them, but I for one know for sure that I would never buy a product from them.

  What do you think of Samsung's commercials? Do you think they are built correctly and their message is directed to the right target audience?