Send a Coca Cola as a gift using an iOS application – one of the most interesting Coca Cola campaigns (Video)


  Coca Cola is without question one of the most popular carbonated drinks in the world and you all know what kind of advertising spots the company has launched to promote it over time. To illustrate the newest promoting campaign a Coca Cola I'm talking to you today about an application that was developed based on an advertising spot from 1971 called I'd Like To Buy the World a Coke (Hilltop) - I'd like to buy the whole world a Coke. The idea of ​​the application is very simple: through it you can give a bottle of Coca Cola to people in various parts of the world using a special distribution network of the Coca Cola company.

Harvey's re-imagined ad enables users to actually 'buy the world a Coke' from their computer or phone, and connect with someone on the other side of the world through the magic of display advertising. Users can select a location, attach a personal video or text message, and then watch as the Coke is delivered to a specially-designed vending machine on the other side of the world. The receivers at the machine can then send a thank you message back to the sender, right from the vending machine.

  The application has integrated the Google Streetview system, the idea representing the result of a partnership between Google and Coca Cola, and through it you can see where the bottle you donated ends up. The person who receives the bottle can see a personalized text message (automatically translated by Google Translate)/a video clip sent by you through the application and can reply to you if they consider it necessary. I have to admit that this is one of the most innovative advertising campaigns I've seen lately and the initiative of Google and Coca Cola is commendable.

With the ability to 'buy the world a Coke', users have the opportunity to bring the world closer together. Using Google Translate, all messages are translated and closed-captioned to ensure that no matter where a Coca-Cola is sent, no messages are lost in translation. Every moment of connection between two people is unique. Using Google Maps imagery and pre-rendered video and audio, the "visual voyage" of the Coca-Cola and the personal messages are dynamically compiled into a personalized film. This is then emailed to the sender as a link to be viewed and shared with the world.

  The application will soon be available in the App Store and Google Play (former Android Market).