Camera+ update available in the App Store, brings many new features

  Camera+ is without question one of the best applications for taking pictures and countless more or less successful "clones" have been developed based on it. Last evening, the developers of the Camera+ application released an update for their famous application in the App Store, focusing exclusively on solving the bugs in the previous version. More precisely, the people from taptaptap solved the bugs that prevented a quick opening of the application, the bugs that led to the loss of EXIF ​​information, the bug that prevented the opening of photo libraries after pressing the "+" button, etc.:

  • fixed a bug where Camera+ would launch very slowly if you previously had your shooting mode set to Burst (if you're still experiencing slow launch times, please contact us at with more details so we can help resolve any lingering issues)
  • fixed a bug where some user's photo libraries weren't able to load after pressing the Magical + Button™
  • fixed a bug where a mysterious white line would appear at the bottom of the Lightbox at seemingly random times (our first assumption was that it was some sort of paranormal thing, but after further inspection, it turned out to simply be us using too aggressive of an image optimization setting for the app graphics… science wins again!)
  • fixed a bug where we somehow cut the wire that links the optimized quality setting in the menu to the actual function in the app... apologies to those of you who have limited space on your iPhone
  • fixed a bug relating to missing data information in the photo EXIF ​​data (apologies for the jargonriffic explanation for this one)
  • NOT owned by Facebook

Oh, and speaking of Facebook, we have fixes for the issues that some of you've been experiencing with Facebook posting. We decided that it'd be best to hold them for the next release because we need to do much more extensive testing on them, though. But rest assured that we're on it and you'll see them in another update shortly.

  Camera+ is available for €0.79 in the App Store and works only with iPhone/iPod Touch.

Initial price:
Camera +



Developer: Inventive, Inc.
Category: Photo & Video

Description: ON SALE!

Over 7 million balance!

If the iPhones standard camera is like a digital point-and-shoot, the Camera+ app is like a high-quality SLR lens.
TIME: 50 Best iPhone Apps 2011

improves on almost...

The size of the application is: 20.9 Mb