Pod2G announces that it has all the necessary exploits for the development of a new untethered jailbreak solution!

  Several weeks have passed since we had no new information about the development process of the new untethered jailbreak solution for iOS 5.1, but today Pod2G has published some details for us. It seems that he and his team members have all the exploits needed to develop the new jailbreak solution and he is now working on removing the security measures implemented by Apple in its operating system for iDevices. 2 entities had exploits for an untethered jailbreak, i0n1c had the solution ready, but Pod2G is the one who could "save" the community.

  It is not yet known how long the development process of this new untethered jailbreak solution will take and it is not known when we will have new information, but as soon as it appears I will let you know.