Jony Ive was elected British Innovator of the Year 2012

  Sir Jony Ive, Apple's Vice President of Design, was chosen the visionary and innovator of the year 2012 by the citizens of Great Britain. Although Jony Ive works in Cupertino, he is of British nationality and it seems that he is very loved there since he was chosen the visionary and innovator of the year with almost half of the votes given by the people participating in a contest. The Office for Intellectual Property in Great Britain organized this "competition" on the occasion of the International Day of Intellectual Property and Jony Ive won a face from personalities such as JK Rowling, author of the Harry Potter book series, or Simon Cowell, judge of Britain's Got Talent, former American Idol judge and music producer.

Sir Jonathan Ive – Senior Vice President of Industrial Design at Apple Inc.

After a week of voting, you have chosen Sir Jonathan Ive as your favorite British Visionary Innovator for 2012. He received 46.6% of your votes, making him the clear favorite among a list of other hugely talented, creative and innovative people.

  The title is perhaps fully deserved considering that Jony Ive helped develop all the products launched by Apple in recent years, this argument being the basis of his ennoblement.