This is how difficult the work of developing applications for Android OS is

  A few weeks ago I told you that the applications for Android do not look as good as those for iOS and testing HTC One X received from Orange I can confirm, again if it were the case, that the difference exists and for someone who is used to iOS, it is quite obvious. To show us how fragmented the platform is and how difficult it is to develop applications for Android OS, those from TechCrunch they published the picture above and in it we see the "workbench" of some developers of a company in Hong Kong.

  In practice, the company is testing in Hong Kong on 400 Android terminals all the applications they are going to launch and in the image above you have presented only a part of them. The number is very high because we are also talking about devices available only in Asia, but even so we notice how great the fragmentation is. Practically, a single developer cannot do such tests and his applications will work correctly only on the terminals on which they were tested, the rest will have a rather bad experience.

  In the case of iOS, things are much simpler, at the moment there are only 4 resolutions on which applications can be tested, but starting from autumn, their number could be reduced if Apple does not launch an iPhone 5 with a higher resolution, but give up on offering iOS 6 for the iPhone 3GS.