Apple store employees receive their salary increases three months earlier than initially announced

  Apple stores represent an important point in the company's economy, billions of dollars coming annually from the nearly 400 locations available around the globe. Apple's retail division has recently undergone some changes, with the SVP who was leading it leaving Apple to assume the role of CEO at another large American retailer. His post was filled by an equally capable man who now, through an internal video clip, announce that Apple employees in stores will receive salary increases 3 months earlier than originally specified.

  Wages were to be increased in September of this year, but Apple decided that everything will take place in June and employees will receive higher wages by 1 to 5%, depending on the individual sales made in a certain period of time . Apple annually increases the salaries of its employees with such values, so after 2-3 years of work at Apple, an employee can have a salary approximately 15% higher than the initial one, if he sells enough of many products. It is not known where this generosity of the Apple company comes from, but it is probably related to the very good sales recorded in the last 3 months of this year.