Mobile phone manufacturers and units sold/delivered in Q1 2012

  You know that at the moment each mobile phone manufacturer has a different way of reporting the units sold in each fiscal quarter. Some manufacturers call it straight sale units that are actually sold by stores to users, but others call it right sale units that are ordered by stores, but only end up in their stock without being actually bought by users. Samsung is the company that never says exactly how much it sells, it is not the only one, but it has the largest number of units that are sent to the distribution channel but have not been sold, but are presented by statistical companies as actual sales.

  Immediately after it follows Apple, which has a much smaller number of units sent to the distribution channel in each fiscal quarter, and a few months ago Tim Cook said that in addition to the 35 million iPhones actually sold, there would be about 8 million in the distribution channel. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to find out which companies actually sell mobile phones or not, and few proceed like Apple and announce exactly how much they have sold. Even so, the novel Horace Dediu from Asymco they analyzed the data provided by several market analysis companies and made the graph below where you can find out how much the companies actually sell and how much remains only in the distribution channel. There you have listed the sales of mobile phones, not only those of smartphones.