EmojiPro displays more than 300 Emoji characters "found" by iOS

  In iOS 5.x Apple included a very large range of Emoji characters, i.e. everything you see in the image above. We are talking about images that users can use to express various moods and they quickly became very popular. Although we can activate a set of emoji characters relatively easily, it seems that Apple has hidden many others inside its operating system, and with the help of EmojiPro we can activate them. Unfortunately, these Emoji characters can only be seen on iDevices that have iOS 5.1.x installed, so you cannot send them to other mobile terminals or iDevices with older versions of iOS.

Add more than 300 hidden emoji icons for iOS 5.1+ to your Emoji Keyboard.


1.These emojis can only be seen on iOS 5.1+ (no need jailbreak) and Mac OS X 10.7+>

2. This tweak cannot work in some Cydia apps which use root permission in this version, such as iFile, Cydia, Unlimtones

  EmojiPro is compatible with all iDevices running iOS 5.1, and you can buy it from Cydia for €0.79.