Scosche has the first accessories compatible with the new 9-pin connector port of the iPhone 5

  iPhone 5 has not yet appeared on the market, but the manufacturer of accessories for iDevices called Scosche has already prepared some accessories that will work with the new device of the American company. In the image above you have a battery, called syncABLE Pro, which can be mounted directly to the outlet and with the help of a USB cable allows charging an iDevice, including iPhone 5. The cable on the left, called reNUE Pro, has the 8/9 pin connector port that would fit perfectly into the one you iPhone 5 would have it, and now we see for the second time what a charging cable for the iPhone 5, another company, would look like showing us the first cable.

  Finally, we also have a new case that is specially designed with a smaller slot for the 8/9 pin connector port, so the Scosche company is betting on the fact that the rumors about the iPhone 5 are true. Accessory manufacturers take a risk and order these products without knowing if they will sell them or not, so you should not believe that the iPhone 5 will have this port if there are accessories for it.