Samsung asks for Google's help in the war against Apple

  Samsung, the largest manufacturer of Android terminals, he asked the help of those from Google to manage to defend themselves in all the processes they have opened against the Apple company. The head of Samsung's mobile division, Shin Jong-kyun, said in a recent interview that he will meet with Eric Schmidt, whom he will try to convince to help them achieve at least an important victory against those from Apple. In addition to those from Google, Kyun also has lined up a meeting with the management members of the major US mobile phone operators, whom he will try to convince to promote Samsung terminals with more courage.

"I will meet Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt on Thursday in Seoul," said Samsung mobile chief Shin Jong-kyun at a launch event to unveil Samsung's Galaxy Note 2 held at the company's main office in downtown Seoul. Shin declined to give details, but stressed that strategic meetings with major carriers in the United States are set for next week. The Google representative arrived in Seoul late Tuesday and Schmidt will hold a news conference with local and overseas media at Google Korea headquarters, downtown Seoul, today, to roll out its Nexus 7 tablet, here.

  Those from Samsung have had a lot of "defeats" in the open processes against those from Apple and of course they are trying to get the support of anyone to succeed in effectively attacking the company from Cupertino. Google warned Samsung about copying the functions and design of iDevices, but it did it in vain and the chances of them getting involved in this dispute are small. Google has Motorola and its portfolio of patents, it was successful in fighting Apple and I don't think it will participate on this second front opened by Samsung.