Apple explains how you can add Google Maps as a shortcut to the HomeScreen

  Shortly after the publication of the letter by which Tim Cook apologizes to consumers for implementing the Maps application from iOS 6, Apple published a page which explains to users how they can add shortcuts in Springboard for Google and Nokia map services. Apple explains in 4 images how to add a shortcut and I think most of you already knew this. If you didn't know, then the images above are as eloquent as possible and I don't think they need to be explained by me.

For fast, easy access to Google and Nokia maps on the web, simply add their sites to the Home screen of your iOS 6 device. is the Google Maps website and is the Nokia Maps website. They only work as web applications, you may have problems making routes and loading various locations, but if iOS 6 Maps will not help, they are good alternatives, especially as Google Maps will also have StreetView in the next 2 weeks. The web applications are accessible from any browser and only the iPhones, iPad 2/3 3G have an integrated GPS chip, but the rest of the iDevices can locate based on the Wi-Fi network.