The iPad 4 could be the result of poor sales of the iPad 3 and pressure from the Microsoft Surface

  Submission iPad 4 from October 23 surprised both the press and analysts, and many people wonder what are the real reasons behind the launch of this product. Well, if we look at financial results announced by Apple for Q4 2012 we find out that the iPad tablet didn't sell that well, Tim Cook blaming the rumours for the decrease in sales. Of course, not only rumors can be discussed for the decrease registered in Q4 2012, the Microsoft Surface tablet being a very good reason to update the iPad tablet line.

  Although Apple hides this upgrade behind the desire to implement Lightning technology and bring users the best components for iPad, the truth is that behind it is also the fear of not being outdone by the competition. Until recently, Apple had the courage to keep products with old hardware on the market, regardless of what the competition launches, but this year things have reached the level where this strategy is no longer profitable. Apple probably lost about 3-4 million possible sales in Q4 2012, this made the management take a serious look at what exists on the market and thus was born iPad 4.

  If the tablet had come 1 year after the launch of the iPad 3, there would not have been very big problems, but it comes only 6 months after the launch of the iPad 3 and that upset a lot of customers. In the long term, this strategy of launching products once every 6 months will not be beneficial for Apple customers who are used to something else, but if competing companies will continue to put pressure on Apple, there is a possibility that we will see similar launches future.