Here are 10 important lessons that humanity has learned from Steve Jobs

  Steve Jobs he was and will remain in history as one of the greatest entrepreneurs of the 20th and 21st centuries, many of his actions having a strong echo even today. To remind the world how Steve Jobs worked, but also to bring back to everyone's attention some things that helped him to be successful and to be so popular, Forbes published an article in which it presents 10 of the most important lessons that we can learn from the former CEO of Apple.

  I have listed them all below, and you can find an explanation for each one on the website to Forbes.

  1. The most enduring innovations marry art and science - Apple has always tried to be different and the success of its products was based on teams of people who were specialized in technology, but also had studies in the field of arts, science and more.
  2. To create the future, you can't do it through focus groups - Steve Jobs is famous for the fact that he was not interested in what consumers wanted and always thought about what they didn't know they needed, this kind of products helping the Apple company to become so popular and rich.
  3. Never fear failure - This is basically a philosophy in Silicon Valley and San Francisco, people there looking at failure as a step forward and not a tragedy.
  4. You can't connect the dots forward – only backward – Steve Jobs was not enthusiastic about planning things years in advance because there are always so many possibilities that something will not go well.
  5. Listen to that voice in the back of your head that tells you if you're on the right track or not - Each of us has a sense of things, a desire to do something, Steve Jobs had his own and knew if a product would be popular or a failure, always having the ability to stop a project in its tracks if he didn't think it would it is good enough.
  6. Expect a lot from yourself and others – Steve Jobs got whatever he wanted from his employees and did it like a tyrant, the episodes in which he yelled at employees being famous in Cupertino.
  7. Don't care about being right. Care about succeeding - Steve Jobs was not too interested in the fact that his ideas were good or bad, he wanted to achieve something and fight for it, in the end many of his ideas turned out to be a real success.
  8. Find the most talented people to surround yourself with - At Apple, Jobs looked for the best people for every area in which the company needed leadership, this being one of the main reasons why Apple worked so well until Jobs' death.
  9. stay hungry, stay foolish - one of Jobs's most popular quotes, it was delivered during a speech delivered by him in 2005 at Stanford University.
  10. Anything is possible through hard work, determination, and a sense of vision - Steve Jobs had a probably unique quality for entrepreneurs of his time, he believed that anything was possible and convinced his employees to produce almost anything, even if they were not confident that they could do those things.