Robot Dragonfly – the dragonfly that is controlled by the iPhone (Video)

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  Robot Dragonfly this the project a flying drone that has the shape of a dragonfly and is controlled by an application available for the iOS and Android OS platforms. In the video clip above, you have described the project currently available on the Indiegogo platform, and I must admit that it is extremely interesting. The drone is so small that it fits in your pocket, and the applications made for it will be able to display interior maps of buildings, it will be able to "automatically patrol" through them and it is announced to be a product that many will want.

Our prototypes have gone through multiple design cycles. We'll be offering a number of Apps that the users can download from Google Play and App stores to perform pre-defined operations like: Indoor mapping, automated patrolling and more. If you're an entrepreneur, you can literally kickstart your own Next-Gen application market using our Software Development Kit (SDK). If you are a researcher or a hobbyist, skip to the next most versatile and compact platform to do your research. Create your own remarkable Apps on the coolest robot on the market!

  Although we normally only see products of this kind in spy movies, a team of engineers is trying to bring them to the general public and they will do it because they raised 7 times more money than they needed to finish the project It is not known yet when the drone will arrive on the market, but as soon as it appears I will let you know.