An iOS 6 bug reactivates JavaScript in Safari without users' consent


  JavaScript is widely used by web developers, disabling it will "hide" almost half of the internet, but even so users choose to surf the web without this function. If you have iOS 6, there is still the possibility that JavaScript to be automatically reactivated on your terminals and everything "thanks" to the smart app banners. They were implemented in iOS 6 by Apple to help website owners promote their applications in the App Store, but unfortunately the system is not perfect.

  If a user disables JavaScript in iOS and accesses a website that has smart app banners, iOS will automatically enable JavaScript and leave it permanently enabled until the user disables it. We are not talking about a very serious problem, although security experts present it as something important, but for people who do not want JavaScript active, it is a problem that Apple must solve. Considering that more and more websites use smart app banners, it is good not to disable your JavaScript for nothing if you have iOS 6.