DismissMyKeyboard hides your iPhone's keyboard with a simple command

  DismissMyKeyboard is a tweak released this evening in Cydia, he being specially designed for iPhone si iPod Touch. If on the iPad tablet Apple has implemented a system to close the keyboard by simply pressing a button, on the iPhone and iPod Touch there is no such thing, but this tweak comes to our aid. By installing the tweak and swiping from the Space button to the Return button, we will immediately hide the keyboard of our iDevice, it being brought back to the foreground by pressing a text input box.

Unlike the ipad the iphone doesn't have a button to dismiss the keyboard, this little tweak will allow you to dismiss the keyboard, by swiping from the "space" key to the "return" key. if "SwipeSelection" tweak is installed, swipe from the "space" key to the "return" key and press the return key again to dismiss the keyboard. if "SwipeSelection" is not installed just swipe from the "space" key to the "return" key to dismiss the keyboard.

  DismissMyKeyboard is only useful on iPhone/iPod Touch, and in Cydia you can find it for free in the BigBoss repo.