Some iOS applications have security issues that could leave us without data

  In iOS 6 Apple has significantly improved the security system of its operating system, but it seems that he can be exploited with the help of some applications from App Store which are not well protected. The SSL security system that allows users to safely connect to various websites is discussed, iOS having a list of verified SSL certificates that Safari recognizes and gives users the assurance that they are not connecting to a website of some hackers.

  Although Safari alerts users when they connect to a website that has an insecure SSL certificate, and is probably owned by hackers, some third-party applications do not do the same. Some third-party applications for iOS it ignores the list of safe certificates and accepts any kind of certificates, regardless of who issued them, thus exposing users to hackers who could very easily steal their data, if they gain access to the server through which they access the Internet.

  For now, only a short list of American applications has been presented, but considering that there are over 750.000 applications in the App Store, there is a possibility that many of them are unsafe.