MoreIcons allows you to increase the number of icons displayed in Springboard

  MoreIcons is a tweak released during this day in Cydia, and with its help we can increase the number of icons displayed in the Springboard of our iDevices. The tweak has a settings menu in the iOS Settings application, there we can set the number of icons that are displayed on each row/column of the Springboard, the number of icons in the dock/folders, and the space that separates them. Basically, you can customize the Springboard to your liking and all without much effort.

More icons is a low-overhead utility to add more rows and columns to SpringBoard. Simply go into settings and start adjusting! No respring required. Current available options include page rows/columns, dock icons, folder columns, and switcher icons.

  MoreIcons is available at the price of $0.99 in Cydia's BigBoss repo and is also compatible with iOS 6.1.