iOS 6.1.1 generates battery autonomy problems for owners of iPhone 4S terminals

  A few weeks ago I told you that iOS 6.1 generates problems with battery autonomy for iDevice owners, and now we find out that iOS 6.1.1 are exactly the same effect for iPhone 4S. Many of those who claim that iOS 6.1.1 generates problems with the battery autonomy, he says that in iOS 6.1 everything worked perfectly, moreover, the devices did not heat up as much, and the overheating is definitely related to the reduction of the battery autonomy.

  Unfortunately, every iOS update generates problems with autonomy and in general resetting the network settings, disabling certain iCloud options, restoring without reinstalling a backup and other tricks of this kind can solve your problems. In the event that you cannot solve the problems, then maybe iOS 6.1.2 it will do it for you.