Adobe's CTO, Kevin Lynch, becomes an employee of Apple

  Kevin Lynch is the former Adobe CTO and a strong critic of the Apple company and its strategies, but that did not stop him from making the decision to to join to the Cupertino company, where he will work under Bob Mansfield. Yesterday Adobe announced that their CTO will leave the company and join Apple, the move leaving many people surprised, especially since Lynch passionately defended flash in front of Steve Jobs and compared the strategies of at Apple with medieval tactics, criticizing the closed system developed by Jobs.

Kevin Lynch, Adobe CTO, is leaving the company effective March 22 to take a position at Apple. We will not be replacing the CTO position; responsibility for technology development lies with our business unit heads under the leadership of Adobe CEO Shantanu Narayen. Bryan Lamkin, who has recently returned to Adobe, will assume responsibilities for cross company research and technology initiatives as well as Corporate Development. We wish Kevin well in this new chapter of his career.

  Leaving aside the ethical problem of a man who today criticizes Apple and tomorrow works for the company, don't think that Lynch will help implement flash in iOS, because this will never happen. Lynch is a man specialized in software development and probably Apple has some major changes planned for iOS, but it remains to be seen if the old CTO of Adobe will be useful. From my point of view Apple made a questionable decision and maybe it would have been better to let Lynch see his way.