Dungeon Hunter 4 - here is the complete map of the worlds you will be able to explore

  Dungeon Hunter 4 is the upcoming game in the Dungeon Hunter series by Gameloft, and so far the company has only announced that it is developing the title and published the image above with a map of the worlds that you will be able to explore. KankheerThe wastelandThe Skull Pass si Valenthia are the 4 locations where you will fight with hordes of demons and change the course of world history in which your character must fight for his fellow men.

  Below you have the storyline of the game, again here you can find out more details and you can participate in the adventure planned by Gameloft.

As a reward, here's a bit of secret lore from the Dungeon Hunter 4 storyline:

In a world where two nations, the Valens and the Kenashi, are at war since time immemorial, you are a Valen soldier. Just as you enter the battlefield for a fight that could change the course of history, the world is overwhelmed by hordes of demons, a race thought to have been extinguished eons ago. You awaken after losing consciousness in the aftermath of a terrible battle, human and demon corpses littering the battlefield.

Shocked but unharmed, you seem to be plagued by visions of a stranger's memories. You don't know it yet, but you may be Valenthia's only remaining hope. From the woods of Valenthia to the mountains of Kankheer and the haunted villages of Wasteland, you'll have to fight for your people, and your destiny.