BabyTime – a US hospital uses FaceTime to maintain the connection between newborns and mothers

  Cedars-Sinai is the first hospital in the US to announce the launch of a program called BabyTime, which allows new mothers to see their newborns. The idea was to allow mothers who have recently given birth and cannot move to see their babies who are in the intensive care unit. The system is generally used for mothers who had to have a caesarean section to give birth and cannot move to the intensive care unit for the first 24-48 hours, BabyTime being their only connection with the baby.

BabyTime will help bridge communication with the family and the baby's medical team and is an excellent use of technology to help new mothers bond with their babies, even when they cannot be physically at their babies' bedside. When doctors and nurses are treating a newborn in the NICU, mom can be right there asking questions and getting updates, even if she's on a different floor.

  You all know how the FaceTime system works, so I don't have to explain it to you, I'll just say that the idea of ​​the people at Cedars-Sinai seems extremely interesting to me and proves once again how easily technology can connect us in important moments. The use of iPad tablets and FaceTime is based on the simple fact that the system is extremely easy to use and many people have their own iPad tablets, and in the future I am sure that other hospitals will adopt similar systems.