Apple records a record in terms of revenue generated by visitors

  Every month, tens of millions of visitors pass through Apple stores from all over the world, and the company registers hundreds of millions of dollars in the same period as a result of them. Trying to obtain the average income generated by each visit, those from Asymco claim that in Q1 2013 each visit generated $57.60 for the Apple company, the total revenues of the stores being divided by the number of visitors and the number of stores. Practically, Apple has the highest revenues per visitor in the US, completing the title for the highest revenues per meter of retail space.

  The average receipts of each Apple store stood at 13 million dollars in Q1 2013, the company managing to develop an extremely profitable retail chain not only in the US, but throughout the world. As Apple expands, revenues grow accordingly, and next year we will be talking about completely different numbers.