iOS 7 – design and functionality changes will continue until the fall

  Confirming what we already knew last week, Jim Dalrymple, a character with extremely many friends within the Apple company, says that iOS 7 it is still far from being finalized in terms of design and functionality. He claims that engineers Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), they stopped implementing new functions and modifying the design of the operating system before WWDC 2013 to have a stable build for the official presentation, but now everything has been started from scratch. Employees Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), is going to modify the operating system to make it suitable for an official launch, but at least 3 months separate us from it.

There are a few things you need to remember about iOS 7. First, it's nowhere near finished in terms of design or functionality. Apple engineers stopped adding or changing the operating system before WWDC so they had a stable build to show during the keynote. This is also an important opportunity for developers to make decisions about upcoming apps. Will future apps be iOS 7-only so they can tap into new functionality in the operating system? What design decisions need to be made? There are many more things that developers need to consider.

  As you already know, iOS 7 it's available in beta for everyone, it's dedicated only to developers for now, and all performance issues will be resolved by the fall, it remains to be seen what will change in terms of design.