iDoorCam – your doorbell controlled by iPhone (Video)


  iDoorCam is a doorbell of the future because it allows us to control it with a iPhone and get much more functionality from it. If you look at the video clip above, you will notice that as soon as a person uses the handset, you will receive a call and you will be able to see who is in front of them, and if you want you can even have a conversation with that person. iDoorCam has an integrated camera, speaker and microphone, so that whoever is in front of your door can hear everything you say, even when you are not at home.

iDoorCam™ features a day and night vision camera, speaker, microphone and motion sensor. It connects with your home's WiFi and alerts you when someone rings your doorbell. You can choose to ignore the call or answer it to see, hear and speak with your visitor. You can see and hear them...they can hear you. Whether your at home or on the go, iDoorCam provides convenience and control to make your everyday life just a little bit easier. 

  The doorbell connects to your router and through an iPhone application you can access it remotely, no matter what type of connection you have. iDoorcam it is installed instead of the usual doorbell, it works with the normal power supply and can help you find out who is at your door even when you are not at home. iDoorCam is for now only a project and he got it almost the entire amount needed for financing and launching on the market, and in the following months it should be available, initially in the US and then for delivery worldwide.