AutoOK simplifies unlocking iPhones that have a text passcode

  Auto OK is a tweak released during this evening in Cydia, and with its help we can simplify the process of unlocking a iPhonethat have a text security code set. Normally these security codes require pressing the OK button after entering the password to unlock the device, but this tweak eliminates that process. Entering your password in the settings menu of the tweak and activating it, when you enter the password in the LockScreen to unlock, it will be accepted immediately, without needing to press the Ok button.

AutoOK is a tweak that makes using text-based lockscreen passwords easier. It automatically unlocks your device the moment you get your password right, much like the number based password does. With AutoOK you no longer have to press "OK" when you finish typing in your password. This allows you to have more complex passwords while still retaining the ease of use that number-based passwords grant you.

  Auto OK it is available for free in the repo BigBoss al Cydia.