Google installs the first vending machines for selling applications

  Google is a company full of interesting ideas, and its subsidiary in Japan thought of doing something completely and completely special. In a country where, apparently, there are many automatic machines, the people from Google thought to include 3 new ones, selling applications instead of food or drink. The machines from Google they allow terminal owners Android to download 18 titles made available by the company, the installation process being carried out using NFC, a standard that all terminals Android we implemented it.

  To attract consumers to the platform Android, the machines also offer visitors the opportunity to test a Google Nexus 4, but the device must be returned on the spot. To be honest, the idea seems innovative and extremely interesting to me, these being the first automated applications implemented anywhere by anyone, so Google deserves praise for the idea, especially since it is being tested in a country where Apple has a fairly large market share and its iDevices are very popular.