HomescreenDesigner helps you arrange your icons in Springboard as you like

  homescreendesigner is a tweak available since last night in Cydia, and with its help we can customize our Springboard iOS 7 as you like. The tweak was designed with the idea of ​​giving us the freedom to arrange the icons in Springboard exactly as we want, so that only our imagination can inhibit the creative process. USING homescreendesigner we can design any kind of layouts for each application page, we can display any applications we want on each page, everything being done without performing resprings/restarts for the settings to be saved.

With Homescreen Designer, you can create, save AND apply layouts to your home screen, without even a respring! It takes minutes, even seconds, to design a very nice, symmetrical, layout that suits you. The hundreds of features allow you to easily make simple grid layouts, as well as nice free-form and pattern layouts. After you've finished designing your masterpiece, its just a simple tap and the layout is live on your homescreen! It's that simple.

  homescreendesigner it also gives us the opportunity to access a section of Homescreens uploaded by users from their own terminals, so we can be inspired by the creations of others to make our Springboard more beautiful. The tweak is available for $2 in the repo BigBoss al Cydia.